
Commitment to Working Safely

Cobalt Construction is a COR certified company, and as such, we have a detailed safety management system and manual that have been developed to protect the health and safety of all workers employed by Cobalt, and those working near or travelling through our operations. The specific approach for safety at each project is developed at the start of work and revised as the work zone changes. All applicable legislated regulations and requirements are met; including permitting, hazard identification, hazard mitigation, and appropriate emergency response procedures.

Environmental Commitment

Many of Cobalt’s contracts are conducted in highly sensitive environmental areas, including work in and around fish bearing streams, as well as multiple major projects through Park areas. Our projects include working in permafrost and our experience with installation of drainage structures ranges from installing small culverts to massive multi-plate installations and bridges. We are committed to compliance with the regulatory and contractual requirements of our projects as they pertain to the environment, continual improvement of environmental procedures and utilizing best practices to achieve the broader goal of protection of the environment.

First Nations Involvement

Cobalt has a long history of working successfully with the First Nations on all our projects, and many of our key employees are First Nation citizens. We believe there are real benefits to working together on major projects going forward. We strive to employ locally and provide training to persons interested and committed to learning. We believe the benefits of working together are high for both parties. Cobalt is committed to work with First Nations and share in future projects.